Security Department
The Coal City University uniformed Security Team is available to help 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, throughout the whole year, at all University sites. Keeping students safe at Coal City University is always our top priority. Our Security Officers are friendly, approachable and always available to help. We are committed to ensure our campus is a safe and supportive place for everyone. The Security Officers are here for students, staff and the local community, to make us all safer. We do that in many ways, from responding to situations, patrolling the campus and planning ahead for emergencies.
Services run by our Security team
• The Security Team offers first response to any fire alarms, emergencies and medical incidents.
• You can ask the security team for advice on crime prevention, and any related concerns. Our Security team regularly liaise with the local police.
• If you have been the victim of a crime or have witnessed a one, you should notify the Security Unit.
• If you have lost an item or found somebody else’s property, report it to the Security Unit.
Emergency number: 08069167164
TEL: 09027456501