Coal City University Career Services Center (CSC) supports students through all stages of their career development in order to enable them to lead meaningful lives and become responsible leaders of tomorrow. It is our vision to accompany students through all stages of their career development process to enable them become highly employable and globally competitive equipped with the requisite skills and competencies. Whatever your degree choice, year of study or career ambitions, we are here to assist you every step of the way to realise your career goals and aspirations.
We are committed to providing the following services:
• Facilitating self-assessment and career exploration of our students in order to enable students to develop a clear career objective.
• Empowering our students to make effective career choices from freshmen through alumni.
• Offering high quality trainings, career counselling and coaching in order to meet our students’ individual needs.
• Bringing employers to campus for workshops and on-campus recruitment in order to enhance career related experiences.
• Actively build partnerships with employers to create the best career opportunities for our students.