The Academic Planning Unit of Coal City University, as its name entails, is responsible for coordinating and overseeing all the academic activities in the University. This involves harmonizing the activities of its various faculties, schools, departments, as well as non-academic sections towards the common purpose of high and quality education. With a high level of diversity within the University, the Academic Planning Unit is saddled with the responsibility of putting in place a system that can achieve academic development and growth in an effective and efficient way.
The university’s approach to quality management is about finding ways of enhancing the learning opportunities made available to students as well as about assuring quality and standards. Much of this activity is managed through key committees, implemented via guidance, policies and strategies. The Unit ensures that the education provided in the Coal City University is of high and conform to international best practices in University education. By so doing, we achieve the key aims of reaching very high student-satisfaction profile and producing graduates that are internationally competitive and nationally relevant.
Key responsibilities of the Academic Planning Unit include:
1. To guide and monitor the university’s activities in accordance with the statutory goals, mission and vision of the university.
2. Preparing and revising the Academic Brief of the University;
3. Dealing with NUC matters, resource and academic programmes planning and attending to academic development matters and Quality Assurance.
4. Ensuring that the academic processes at CCU are of a national and international respected standard through the promotion of quality enhancement practices in the academic programming of the university.
5. Ensuring the adequate provision of a conducive teaching, learning and research environment for staff and students.
6. Determination of adequate staff strength and requirement to guide against any possible excess staffing and its attendant results.
7. Preparation, computerization and publication of data on students’ admission, enrolment projections and determination of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE).
8. Supply of Staff and Students data to NUC when required.
9. Supply of Staff and Student data for University Annual Budgets
10. Preparing, providing and updating all necessary statistics for the University Development Plans, including preparation of Staff and Students statistics for enrolment, projections and Academic Briefs.
11. Carrying out continuous evaluation of the performance of academic programmes, rationalization of courses, de-merger/merger of academic units or departments.
12. Collecting, collating and providing required data and unit costs for resource planning and budgetary preparations in the University.
13. Collecting, storing and providing a variety of operational data and basic information for effective University administration and governance and serving as a Reference Facility in this regard to the entire University.
14. Regular liaison and consultation with Deans, Registrar, Bursar, University Librarian, Admissions Officer, Personnel/ Establishment Officer on information and data on Staff and Students for planning purposes.
15. Assisting the Vice-Chancellor in all Accreditation matters and also advising Departments and Faculties of programme review and preparation for NUC accreditation visits.
16. Appraisal and processing of requests for affiliation from other tertiary institutions.
17. Attendance and participation at the Conference of Directors of Academic Planning of Nigerian Universities (CODAPNU) meetings and other NUC organized Workshop affecting Academic Planning/Quality Assurance.
18. Serving as Secretariat to the Academic Planning Committee.
19. Sourcing for linkages and collaborations with other Universities/Institutions/Organizations for Human Resource capacity building and knowledge transfer.
20. The Unit liaises with the National Universities Commission on behalf of the University and discharges any other duty assigned by the Vice-Chancellor.
Contact Person
Dr. Felicia Alu Moh
Ag. Director, Academic Planning
Coal City University
Felicia Alu Moh obtained a Bachelor’s degree in English/Education from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and a Master’s Degree from Imo State University. She also has a PhD in English and Literary Studies from the University of Calabar. She lectured for over fourteen years rising to the rank of a Senior Lecturer in English at the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt.
She took a break from academics to work with British Council Nigeria as the English Language Projects Manager. At the British Council, she designed and implemented several Continuing Professional Development Courses for English teachers transmitted by direct training, radio and Computer Assisted Learning nationwide.
For over ten years, Felicia Alu Moh worked as the Country Representative for Discovery Learning Alliance, an American NGO committed to taking technology, training and programming to under-resourced classrooms across Nigeria.
She is the author and co-author of seven books and several academic articles published in peer-rated journals. She is also a speaker and trainer in local and international conferences. She has written three full-length novels. She’s a member of several professional associations including Literacy Association of Women and International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. She founded her own NGO called Slates &Crayons to advance the cause for literacy especially in rural, resource-poor communities.
In teaching and in research, she’s interested in women studies, literacy and the promotion of a reading culture. She’s presently Director of Academic Planning at Coal City University, Enugu.