Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Coal City University, Enugu
Professor Sylvester Emeka Igwe, hails from Ibite-Agbudu in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State. He had his secondary education at the Government Secondary School, Gwandu in the present day Kebbi State, where he obtainedWest African School Certificate (WASC) as the best graduating student, in 1986. He went further to the University of Nigeria and bagged a Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy) B.MR (PT.) degree, Master of Science (M.Scin Obst. & Gynae Rehab.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D in Obst & Gynae PT.). Prof. Igwe also delved into the discipline of Education achieving in the process Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), Master of Education (M.Ed) (Phil. For Children) and Doctor of Education degrees (Ed.D) from the Montclair State University/IAPC, USA
Prof. S. E Igwe has widely published in reputable local and international journals, co-authored and edited five books of both professional and general interest. He has successfully supervised and mentored several Postgraduate and Clinical Fellowship candidates. He also has attended and presented papers in both local and international conferences.
Before his appointment as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Coal City University, Enugu, Nigeria, he held the some academic, administrative, community service and professional positions, including:
- 5 –times Head of Department, Department of Medical Rehabilitation, UNEC
- Secretary, Board of Trustees, Coal City University, Enugu. -to Date
- Chairman, Board of Directors, Winsophia Group of Schools, Enugu 2013 – Date
- Member, Governing Board of the Medical Rehabilitation Therapists Board of Nigeria (MRTB) 2013 – 2015
- Provost, ATCOI College of Education, Enugu, 2005 – 2016
- Vice Chairman, Association of African Philosophers for Children, Nigeria – Date
Fellowship/Membership: Sylvester Emeka Igwe is a:
- Fellow of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy (FNSP)
- Fellow and Chair, Faculty of women’s Health Physiotherapy of the National Postgraduate Physiotherapy College of Nigeria (FPPC)
- Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Admiinistration (FIIA)
- Member of the Order of the Kinghts of St. Mulumba, (KSM)
- Justice of the Peace Enugu State, Nigeria (JP)
- Patron Nigerian Legion, Enugu State Council
He is a recipient of several awards, including:
- Vocational Service Award for Excellence (Rotary Club of Enugu GRA), 2010
- Archivers Award, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Enugu Zone, 2016
- Recognition of Commitment and Contribution to Professional Growth Award by the Medical Rehabilitation Therapists (Registration) Board of Nigeria (MRTB), 2017.
- Vocational/Community Service Award (Ladies of St. Mulumba, Nigeria, Onitsha Metropolitan Council) 2015
- Medical Noble Award, Nigeria Institute of Industrial Administration (NIIA), 2009
Prof. Sylvester Emeka Igwe, is happily married to Dr. Lady Magdaline Oby Igwe, Ph.D. who is a renowned educationist, author and teacher, Director of School of Postgraduate Studies, former Director of the Center for Educational Technology and Dean School of Education of the ATCOI College of Education, Enugu. These two scholars are blessed with five lovely children.